Connect Your CGM With Our Clinic

Our clinic now offers Center Health


Our new Center Health remote monitoring system allows our office to monitor your continuous glucose monitor (CGM) levels in-between visits and so we can personalize your treatment plan and get alerts if you ever develop high risk diabetes patterns.

Dexcom and Libre are both supported. This program is different than the Dexcom Clarity or LibreView reports we use during clinic visits.

DETS Utah Practice Code: D3TSUT 

Call or text or talk to your provider for more information

You’ll also have optional access to the Center Health app which includes features like our own AI health assistant, Aria, that learns about your unique glucose levels, uncovers hidden trends, and offers tips to help you reach your goals.

Get 24/7 answers to questions about glucose, diet, sleep, activity, stress and more within seconds.

Plus you can connect your fitness trackers, like Apple
Watch or Fitbit, and even scan menus for recommendations at restaurants.

Call or text or talk to your provider for more information